While Quake II and Unreal Tournament were making grounds in the competitive gaming scenes, Half-Life was taking critics to another world through its fantastic storytelling and unique use of brand new gameplay mechanics. Unreal Tournament had a highly competitive following as well, but lot’s of its critical acclaim was given to the expert AI development at the time and support for community modding, which lead to some of the first true FPS mods of the 2000’s. Unreal Tournament was originally released on November 30, 1999, putting it as one of the last classic games from the 90s. If we’re going to be including groundbreaking first-person shooter titles on this list, then we have to include Unreal Tournament. It was such a highly competitive title that many consider Quake II’s early competitive gaming scene to be the start of first person shooter esports. The popular 1 v 1 multiplayer mode gained critical appeal. Developed by ID Software and published by Activision, Quake II made some groundbreaking improvements to the first person shooter genre. It was a first person shooter title released in December 1997. Quake II is yet another best classic computer games from the 90s. It didn’t need fancy graphics to be engaging because it focused on what other games in the genre have been labeled as 4X – “eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate.” The aim of the game is to expand your own territory and then fight for global superiority. Nowadays we have plenty of modern day Civilization titles on Steam, but Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri truly showcased the potential video games had many years ago. Just fitting into the classic computer games from the 90s with a launch on February 12, 1999, Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri was considered to be a spiritual successor to the Civilization video game series. There’s no doubt that the roots of all of that success came from the humble beginnings of Warcraft I, II and III. Since then, more Warcraft video games have reached global success, including the MMO World of Warcraft, the trading card game, Hearthstone, and recently the Warcraft movie.

Not only was Warcraft II a groundbreaking real-time strategy game at the time, but it opened up a whole dialogue for the lore of Warcraft. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness was a real-time strategy game released for DOS and Mac OS back in 19, respectively.

Let’s revive your childhood with these classic computer games from the 90s.

You’ll end up finding some of your favorite classic computer games from the 90s. If you still remember your childhood, you know the best classic computer games mentioned in this list are going be amazing. In this article, we are showcasing the 20 All Time Best Classic Computer Games from the 90s. 20 All Time Best Classic Computer Games from the 90s