I have not changed my settings over the last two days. Even voice messages I recieved earlier are “no longer available”. Today, Threema also stopped playing voice records (“could not be downloaded”), while yesterday it still did. I (unsuccessfully) tried to contact the Telegram Support. I tried to vary my settings, I restarted, but nothing worked. A day later I could not send nor recieve voice messages and could not even see my own “big emojis” (when I cut of that funtion, they were shown all right, but small, which is OK, but still weird). This is the main advantage of portable applications. Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform. And it's open source and completely free. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform.

After two days, Telegram started to not download pictures or GIFs that were sent to me (neither via wifi nor mobile data). Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed.

I also managed to take along my chats etc. On my old fp, I used Threema, WhatsApp and Telegram without any problems. I got it in the mail a week ago after having used a fp2 for some years. Hi everyone, I hope to find some help on my new FP3+ (android10).